More geeky than girly.

10 hour days…add in the

10 hour days…add in the commute time: 12 hour days, not to mention several more hours a week to plan for this VBS monster.

Just as I was posting this rant, I received some encouragement:

ronabow: oh Lord, i pray for my sista beej…that You would grant her rest. Lord, please help her plan for the vbs bible studies…may You guide her and lead her. i pray that she will be effective in her teaching and open to how Your Spirit leads. may beej remember it’s not about being perfect, cuz You work thru our imperfections…and many times You use what we offer in obedience. thank You, Lord, for being so faithful…and so beautiful and so wonderful. i also pray that beej will be able to rest in Your arms each day. may she be still and know that You are God. You are so worthy of our all. thank You, Lord. :) in Jesus’ precious name, amen.
BEEJius: thank you, rona
ronabow: welcome beejie
ronabow: love ya

Besides prayer, I think I also need a massage.

Talk to me, Goose.

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