More geeky than girly.


  • I have reached Inbox Zero. Let’s see how long this lasts….

  • A visual exploration of the relationship between the mentally ill, their families, and society at large in China.

  • I guess this is what you get for living in San Francisco – you get to see people stopping by or traveling through. Here’s this weekend’s schedule: Friday: friend from Texas Saturday lunch: friends from Hong Kong Saturday dinner: friends from Seattle Sunday breakfast: friend from somewhere in the middle of California

  • The 4th

    Tiff: Me: Yeaaaahhhhh!!! Me: There’s no water in my building Me: there’s only 3 of us from my team here Me: and 1 of them just went home Tiff: They should just send you all home Me: 1 guy just got here Me: he just packed up and left, ha Tiff: Haha I would just go home too…

  • This is my favorite: High five to Tiff for this gem.

  • Whenever I have encountered any kind of deep problem with civilization anywhere in the world— be it the logging of rain forests, ethnic or religious intolerance or the brutal destruction of a cultural landscape that has taken centuries to develop— somewhere at the end of the long chain of events that gave rise to the…

  • Me: Took me forever to find my car this morning. I totally forgot where I parked my car Friday night. Almost had a heart attack this morning because I thought it was towed. Coworker: nice Jennifer Coworker: Glad you had a good time. -_- This is what I get for only using my car to…

  • The Aftermath

    Just experimenting around my house using the Classic Chrome film simulation. Most of these were straight out of camera (tweaking the curves a little), and only two processed from the RAW files.

  • Update (11:11pm): Forgot to add this earlier. Sometime I wonder about the same things as Sheldon, from the Big Bang Theory. Sheldon Cooper: The entire institution of gift giving make no sense. Let’s say that I go out, and I spend 50 dollars on you, it’s a laborious activity, because I have to imagine what you…

  • Boardwalk Blur

    From this weekend’s trip to Santa Cruz with my best friend from elementary school. Shooting in aperture priority, I didn’t realize my shutter speed dropped down to 1/35 of a sec until after the first few frames. I quickly made some changes and shot the rest in manual mode.

  • I walk by a cosmetic store. Lady gives me a free sample. Free- my favorite F word. Of course, I take it. Lady: What facial products are you using? Me: Not much, I’m pretty minimal. Lady: So like, just water? Touché, lady, touché.

  • Feels like the first day of school all over again. The fourth 1st day of school in the span of one year, to be exact. No boba for me, just some blue hour fun.

  • This is the 2nd time I’ve received one of these. The last one was in the mid 2000’s. I really wish I could do more. Dear Jennifer, You were recently contacted because you appeared as a possible marrow match for a patient considering a transplant. Because of your response, you were included on the patient’s…

  • PICTURED: The last living Chinese women with bound feet. Kickstarter page here.

  • Random stuff in my house. Baby steps to shooting again.

  • ReMoved

    One of the types of kids I used to work with.

  • If you have a choice, always choose the stall where the door opens towards you. #justsayin

  • Belief

    You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you…Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief. C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

  • Keep Out

    See if you can find this the next time you come to the house.