Not sure why I was at F2.8 when I can’t focus correctly or quickly on the street. Ugh. Not the best picture, but I like his bow tie (and the bike).
Officer Mark Pineda, California Highway Patrol on Market.
More geeky than girly.
Not sure why I was at F2.8 when I can’t focus correctly or quickly on the street. Ugh. Not the best picture, but I like his bow tie (and the bike).
Officer Mark Pineda, California Highway Patrol on Market.
Can I have a life size one so I can post it at the office?
i love it! i want to choose a bunch of your SF pix, print them out, frame them, and put them in my office. i miss the bay… :'(
OMG Mark Pineda from SFJA……look some folks up on Facebook they’re looking for ya.
Talk to me, Goose.