Rona is trying to set a record: got a boyfriend, got engaged, and is going to married…all in 8 months. Good thing they’ve known each other for a long time already. I’d have to say that’s a pretty close tie with my cousin Penny, who met a guy, got engaged in 3 months, and married within 6 months of meeting him. I wonder what God’s time frame for me is…sigh…He knows I need more work.
Congratulations Rona!
One response
beej! how funny that i *just* saw this post. thank you for the congrats….7 yrs ago :). funny how i got to this page…saw your fb post on coit tower…then saw my name and anna's name in the text part…got to that post when we visited you…and then saw my name again in the related posts section! :) bummed i missed you the last time you were down. hope you had a nice time at lori's. hope to catch you next time! hugs & kisses! :)
p.s. remember you promised that you would let me know when this happens to you! His timing is perfect.
Talk to me, Goose.