More geeky than girly.

dr. ooler

dr. ooler

dr. ooler, aka Enzo.

5 responses

  1. Yee Avatar

    Love the pic, Beej!!! Do you have your other pics posted on flickr or another site? Would LOVE to see them!

  2. Jen Avatar

    Hi Yee!

    Um, I do have a flickr at but my stuff ain't that great. I'm still learning!

  3. nat lowe Avatar

    What the…how do you know Enzo? thats Hsin Feng's kid! I grew up in the same church as Hsin and Yee when I was younger.

  4. Jen Avatar

    Hey Nat! Oh yeah, the SD connection! I know Hsin from college and I braved the streets of South Central LA with Yee.

  5. Travis Avatar

    Great pic! My son has the same "Drooler" bib. Nice!

Talk to me, Goose.

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