dr. ooler, aka Enzo.
dr. ooler

5 responses
Love the pic, Beej!!! Do you have your other pics posted on flickr or another site? Would LOVE to see them!
Hi Yee!
Um, I do have a flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/beej/ but my stuff ain't that great. I'm still learning!
What the…how do you know Enzo? thats Hsin Feng's kid! I grew up in the same church as Hsin and Yee when I was younger.
Hey Nat! Oh yeah, the SD connection! I know Hsin from college and I braved the streets of South Central LA with Yee.
Great pic! My son has the same "Drooler" bib. Nice!
Talk to me, Goose.