After my summer project last year, my team coerced me into get a Facebook. I feel so old there, but it’s been helpful in keeping me in touch with people. Good thing I never got into myspace or Friendster. I really don’t care about those things. But Virb looks neat, so I gave it a try. This may be the next new thing in social networking. It shouldn’t be a problem signing up on the site, but I’ve got 100 invites if anyone wants one. Leave a comment with your name and email.
Forget MySpace, Check out Virb
4 responses
You are such a nerd, I love this interface, speaks to me in many ways!!
testing command line
Virb is cool. I got one.
they all seem the same to me. I don't see how one is different than the other, other than the fact that they all have different layouts…
Talk to me, Goose.