More geeky than girly.

Forums resurrected

Wow, I just spent a good part of my day getting my forums back. I was using YaBB1Gold a while back, which was scripted in CGI/Perl. I read that it was pretty insecure, so I wanted to use phpBB instead. So I first had to convert the Yabb1Gold board to YabbSE, which is php based but a dead project. Then finally, I converted everything to phpBB. All this just to keep all those old posts. I wonder if they were worth the trouble. I debated about starting a blank install, but I wanted to be reminded of those fun times when we spent too much time messing around. So yay, I had fun doing just that today.

The forums: my darkside

One response

  1. fonshe Avatar

    Hey Beej…got some weird emails from one of your addresses. oh well. anyway, about the car deal, no more than 20K (including tax and other charges) and just practical and long term. i already narrowed down to two but still debating.

    So how's the kids treatin' ya? I'm a bit exhausted but i know in the end it's all worth it and then some. XD

Talk to me, Goose.

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