I was at McDonald’s on a community outing with one of my kids. On our way out to the car, some kids who couldn’t be any older than 10, were out with their bikes and scooters. One of the kids walked toward the group and said, “What the h*** are you doing to my bike?” Do you think they learn it from their parents, from their peers at school, from the media, or a combination of everything? They need to get their mouths washed out with soap like that boy in A Christmas Story. Such animosity towards each other. My high schoolers seem to do that a lot to each other too. Whatever happened to being nice, especially for those who claim to be a Christian. That’s probably why people think Christians are hypocrites. Their actions don’t match up with their words. Well, in this case, their words don’t match up to Christ’s teachings. It saddens me that the hich schoolers always cuttin’ each other down. I am reminded of Paul’s advice, “To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men” (Titus 3:2). We’ve been trying to teach them that their actions need to reflect Christ. I really wonder which of them truly believe in God. Maybe it’s just how high school kids are these days. Was I that mean to people when I was in high school?
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
–Ephesians 4:29
I pray that we would be more encouraging to the people around us.
The American Express Championship is here this weekend. Someone get me tickets. All the pros will be in my backyard. So close, yet so far. Boo.
Who in the world needs 1 TB of email storage? Sing this with me, all you Janet Jackson fans out there: We are a part of a mail nation.
Gotta go watch the Blue Angels this weekend.
Talk to me, Goose.