More geeky than girly.

M is for Moleskine

M is for Moleskine

M is for Moleskine

I’ve been using these notebooks forever and I still love them. Check out the Star Wars Edition. I wish they had more Star Wars elements in the notebooks themselves, not just in the packaging.

Image of my current Moleskine taken on my desk.

4 responses

  1. abraham Avatar

    what’s the difference between this and say…a $2 notebook i can get from Target?

    1. jen Avatar

      ew, how dare you even compare the two. :)

      1. Brad Avatar

        For sure! There is a difference…

        Target notebooks: Covers are made of cardboard.

        Moleskine notebooks: Covers are made from select hides of garden moles.

      2. abraham Avatar

        ooo… why did I ever doubt the value of the garden mole skin (e) notebooks.

        but no seriously, is it nicer paper? binding? cover? Does it shoot rainbows out when you open it? All of the above?

Talk to me, Goose.

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