More geeky than girly.


  • I think my niece #2 looks like a Doozer. Non? Not sure why I always make weird connections like niece #1 and Alton Brown.

  • Helping Hands

    My nieces. Abby (23 mos.) trying to put Janie’s (1 mo.) socks back on.

  • Low-ri-der

    From Abby’s first visit to the Academy of Sciences today. Why does she always look so funny in strollers? Remember her as a Cabbage Patch doll? I could have titled this “I can’t put my arms down!” or “Abby ready for double sticky hands.” The dark shadow you see in the upper right is not…

  • My niece Abby and her first In-N-Out burger– a grilled cheese, of course. Feb. 5, 2011 Auburn, CA

  • Gideon at 3 months. Seattle, WA. And just in case you don’t know the situation.

  • This was taken at the end of last month at a wedding rehearsal. The ring-bearer (~age 2) kept trying to kiss my niece (the flower girl, ~age 16mos.) on the mouth. I caught this one.

  • Dang it, I blew out the windows and the table, but I still like this picture. Remember this one?

  • I’ve posted a picture of Enzo before. Here’s one I took with his dad’s new D700. I was actually playing around with the camera and taking pictures of Enzo when he bust out this face on me. Apparently, his dad liked it so much he used it on the evite for Enzo’s 1st birthday party.

  • dr. ooler

    dr. ooler, aka Enzo.