Sheng Wang Netflix Special
1 min read
Everyone needs to watch this. Hat tip: Tiffo
Conan O’Brien Reviews “Tomb Raider”
1 min read
He’s sooo funny to me.
Jeff Dunham – Achmed the Dead Terrorist
1 min read
I was watching this guy on TV several weeks ago. Pretty good ventriloquist with funny material. Personal fun fact: when I was young, I tried to pick up ventriloquism by reading books. I didn’t get very good, so instead, I learned to juggle.
Facebook in Real Life?
1 min read
British comedy group Idiots of Ants shows what Facebook might look like in real life. High five to Laughingsquid.
X marks your experiences
3 min read
Here goes another (I wonder how much of this people know about me): Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, then answer the following questions and post it on your blog.” My comments in []. ( x )Smoked a cigarette [that’s according to…
Bush Rhetoric
1 min read
For Calvin, the Bush-hater (probably because he’s been influenced by all the other Republican-hati…