What about society disappoints you?
2 min read
KRISTA: What is it about society that disappoints you so much? ELLIOT: Oh, I don’t know, is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children? (Apple factory in Shenzhen) His eyes shift to the glass framed Tour De France poster…
The Problem with Civilization
1 min read
Whenever I have encountered any kind of deep problem with civilization anywhere in the world— be it the logging of rain forests, ethnic or religious intolerance or the brutal destruction of a cultural landscape that has taken centuries to develop— somewhere at the end of the long chain of events that gave rise to the…
This Morning’s Dude, Where’s My Car? Moment
1 min read
Me: Took me forever to find my car this morning. I totally forgot where I parked my car Friday night. Almost had a heart attack this morning because I thought it was towed. Coworker: nice Jennifer Coworker: Glad you had a good time. -_- This is what I get for only using my car to…
The Aftermath
1 min read
Just experimenting around my house using the Classic Chrome film simulation. Most of these were straight out of camera (tweaking the curves a little), and only two processed from the RAW files.
Working during the Holiday Season
0 min read
My Library
1 min read
I really need to get rid of a lot of my junk. I must say I’ve gotten a lot better about books these last couple of years since I starting borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from the public library. Guardian cartoons by Tom Gauld (including the one shown above) available as prints here.
Bits of a Big Birthday
2 min read
Update (11:11pm): Forgot to add this earlier. Sometime I wonder about the same things as Sheldon, from the Big Bang Theory. Sheldon Cooper: The entire institution of gift giving make no sense. Let’s say that I go out, and I spend 50 dollars on you, it’s a laborious activity, because I have to imagine what you…
In life, pick two
1 min read
Doghouse Diaries
Facial Products
1 min read
I walk by a cosmetic store. Lady gives me a free sample. Free- my favorite F word. Of course, I take it. Lady: What facial products are you using? Me: Not much, I’m pretty minimal. Lady: So like, just water? Touché, lady, touché.
Backhanded Compliments That I Often Receive
1 min read
“Wow, I love what you are wearing! I could never pull that off.†What they think they mean: “I think you look ridiculous and I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that.”