More geeky than girly.

light trails

  • Pier 39

    Just going through some old stuffs. Pier 39, San Francisco. August, 2011.

  • Everyone else was shooting the super moon, but I was distracted. Twin Peaks, San Francisco. May, 2012.

  • San Francisco’s Pier 39, with the Bay Bridge in the background. August, 2011. I was reminded of this song (CD here): I wouldn’t say I’m a super emotional personal person. I’m not good with using words to describe how I feel or what I’m thinking–pictures and music often do a better job.

  • Twin Peaks

    I was out shooting on a pretty nice evening, but I still had to huddle in between rocks to shield the camera from the wind. This is my first attempt at stacking. I don’t have photoshop, so this is 3 images stacked in gimp. Click on the image for a bigger version that looks a…