Wow, the Japanese have a word for “the act of buyi…
1 min read
Wow, the Japanese have a word for “the act of buying books and not reading them, leaving them to pile up”: tsundoku
Who invented hugs? The first hug would have been s…
1 min read
Who invented hugs? The first hug would have been so awkward. “What are you doing? Why are you holding me??” “Shhh, just trust me.”
You know how some things are really bad and awful…
1 min read
You know how some things are really bad and awful but it’s still funny to make fun of them?
Am I allowed to go on Wheel of Fortune if I don’t…
1 min read
Am I allowed to go on Wheel of Fortune if I don’t have a wonderful husband, 3 kids, and 5 grandchildren?
I don’t have energy for kids any more. From now on…
1 min read
I don’t have energy for kids any more. From now on, the only games I’m playing are “Cowboys and Invalids” and “Hide and Sleep.”
You know how people have email signatures? Someone…
1 min read
You know how people have email signatures? Someone should use “Sent from my trunk. Don’t just sit there. GET HELP!!!”
eBay is offering $10 off Purchases with coupon cod…
1 min read
eBay is offering $10 off Purchases with coupon code CIM15
In a city with mandatory composting, why is it so…
1 min read
In a city with mandatory composting, why is it so hard to find compost bags? #whatsupwiththatSF
I awoke early to attack the day. It counter-attack…
1 min read
I awoke early to attack the day. It counter-attacked. We are now discussing our differences over coffee. #fb
I procrastinate so much I’ll probably put off death and never die. #fb
Weekend tech tip: DOUBLE your phone’s battery life…
1 min read
Weekend tech tip: DOUBLE your phone’s battery life by putting it down.
Don’t forget your free coffee at Starbucks this mo…
1 min read
Don’t forget your free coffee at Starbucks this morning until noon.
RT @Starbucks: Please join us for a free tall Hous…
1 min read
RT @Starbucks: Please join us for a free tall House Blend. Tomorrow, until noon. (US Only)
Outside Lands 2013 lineup. Can’t wait to listen fr…
1 min read
Outside Lands 2013 lineup. Can’t wait to listen from my house again. Who’s going? @wonderdrum @elisatoy
RT @Cmdr_Hadfield: San Francisco – from orbit, the…
1 min read
RT @Cmdr_Hadfield: San Francisco – from orbit, the geologic fault lines are readily visible.
Ego and super-ego walk into a bar. Bartender says…
1 min read
Ego and super-ego walk into a bar. Bartender says “I’m gonna need to see some id.†#fb
If you can’t fix it with duct tape, you haven’t us…
1 min read
If you can’t fix it with duct tape, you haven’t used enough. #fb
Whoa, I’ve been on Twitter for 5 years? RT @TwBirt…
1 min read
Whoa, I’ve been on Twitter for 5 years? RT @TwBirthday: @somegirlonline Happy 5th TwBirthday! You’ve been around since 18 March 2008!
RT @celesteasaurus: This guy takes a picture of hi…
1 min read
RT @celesteasaurus: This guy takes a picture of his son every time he cries – the captions are what made his son cry.
RT @ScottReissCSN: It had been almost 6 years sinc…
1 min read
RT @ScottReissCSN: It had been almost 6 years since #sfgiants #athletics #sjsharks #gswarriors had won in same day. Now twice in 3 days …