More geeky than girly.

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

I was out shooting on a pretty nice evening, but I still had to huddle in between rocks to shield the camera from the wind. This is my first attempt at stacking. I don’t have photoshop, so this is 3 images stacked in gimp. Click on the image for a bigger version that looks a lot better. I think I need to redo my website because the pictures look way better in the larger size. So yes, I guess bigger is better. :)

Check out Bob’s version where he got a car going the wrong way.

2 responses

  1. Brad Avatar

    Pretty cool, Jen! And Jeanne feels the same!

  2. Bob Horowitz (a.k.a. bats) Avatar

    This came out very well, Jen! Nice job. Good to know you can stack in Gimp.
    And I’m glad we went up there that night.

Talk to me, Goose.

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