Self-reflection (Christmas, 2010)
3 min read
I realized I don’t have a lot of pictures of myself. No, I’m not a narcissist, but I was looking for a new profile picture to use and couldn’t find one. Another day and another year older now. This time of year always makes me reflect (can a pun be made using an image?) on…
Triple Action
1 min read
As seen on Church St.
Testing Google’s Chrome OS Laptop
2 min read
Update (Dec 21 evening, heh): The screen has auto-adjusting brightness. Which means it automatically turns brighter in a bright environment and auto-dims in darker environments. A couple weeks ago, Google announced that they were giving away some laptops for people to test out their Chrome OS. This weekend, I received an unmarked package (suspicious, right?)…
Someone find/get this for me!
1 min read
These are so useless and non-practical but oh so cute and geeky! Anyone who knows me knows my love for Star Wars. Only the Yoda/Vader/Trooper pack please, for either my birthday or Christmas, thanks. I hear all the Targets near my house are out.
Stairs to Coit Tower
1 min read
Been playing tour guide for a friend/former student visiting from Canada. Here’s a picture I took going up to Coit Tower. This image is pretty much SOOC. It wasn’t planned, but I actually got a shot of the step sponsored by the cleaning company with the same name.
Star Wars meets The Princess Bride
1 min read
Two of my all-time favorite movies, together! And apparently, they used actual fencing techniques. via tor.com
Chinatown Chess
1 min read
Portsmouth Square, San Francisco, CA
G is for Gideon “The Situation”
1 min read
Gideon at 3 months. Seattle, WA. And just in case you don’t know the situation.
Starbucks’ 12 Days of Sharing
1 min read
Starbucks’ 12 days of Sharing promotion started December 1, offering a different deal each day.
Camera Mode Dial Cuff Links
1 min read
How geeky fun are these?!?! Bonus: Look, you can have spicy noodles delivered to your house every month!
BOGO holiday drinks at Starbucks
1 min read
Buy one get one free holiday drinks at Starbucks from 2-5 p.m., Nov. 18-21.
F is for First Kiss
1 min read
This was taken at the end of last month at a wedding rehearsal. The ring-bearer (~age 2) kept trying to kiss my niece (the flower girl, ~age 16mos.) on the mouth. I caught this one.
Spot(light) Cleaning
1 min read
Was walking around with Jenny and we both saw this random cleaning cart lit up in the middle of the street. Picture is pretty much straight out of camera. ‘Spot’ted near Chinatown, San Francisco.
E is for…
1 min read
Just gots my internet up and running again after about a week. I haven’t posted in a long old time, so here are 2 pictures to make up for it. E is for… EJ, which he said stood for Everlasting Joy. I was out shooting one day and saw him around early on, but didn’t…
SF Giants Song by Michael Franti
1 min read
Michael Franti & Spearhead put together an anthem for the World Series winner San Francisco Giants.
David Crowder Band stop-motion video
1 min read
Cool David Crowder Band stop-motion video with lite-brite!
D is for Derailleur
1 min read
Anyone wanna buy a bike?
Ryan and his AE-1
1 min read
This is my cousin and some of his favorite things. I’m sad I no longer have the AE-1. It’s so much lighter than my dad’s FT.
Street artist Banksy storyboarded and directed the “dark and incredibly complex” opening sequence of tonight’s episode of The Simpsons. Wooster Collective calls this “one of the most closely guarded secrets in TV history.â€
C is for Canon
1 min read
What else would C stand for?! This is some of my dad’s old gear, except for the lens on the right, which I popped off an AE-1 that I had. This camera was one of the few things my dad brought with him when he immigrated to the U.S. By the way, I could use…