More geeky than girly.

Acoustics I wish I had in my house…

Acoustics I wish I had in my house...

Inside the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall. The official rule is that no photography is allowed in the hall at any time. However, my friend, a “symphony subscriber,” has even had ushers help take pictures in the past. Go figure.

I always feel outta place when I’m there. (Like I said, my friend is a subscriber.) I work for a non-profit, which means I don’t make truckloads of money. I’m not white, married, nor am I middle-aged, although some of my students may like to think I am. Oh, and I’m a Raiders fan. I’m not trying to stereotype, but I’m just making an observation that I’m part of the minority when I’m there. Wait, when am I NOT part of the minority? I should be used to it by now. (Tell that to my face and I’ll kick your… you’re lucky I found Jesus).

Enough nyquil-induced rambling, I’m glad I got to hear the San Francisco Symphony Chorus sing Bach’s Christmas Oratorio that night.

Edit: For the record, I did NOT know about their photography policy until AFTER I took the shot. Yes, I’m always haunted by my business law professor that said “Ignorance does not equal innocence.”

3 responses

  1. Donald Kinney Avatar

    Oh lord, my wimper would be "do I really have to go"…

    The ushers would eventually tell me to stop squirming in my seat…

    My older brother played in a symphony, so when I was young my parents used to drag me to concerts — oh it wasn't all that bad, but I definitely didn't like the dressing up part of the deal…

    A while back S.F. Mike wanted to give me a ticket for a "youth oriented" type of concert that he was sure I would enjoy — I've been laying-low ever since he made the offer…

    But it's an impressive looking place (that's a fine shot by the way), but if I can't bring my camera — I'm just not going…

  2. Jen Avatar

    Thanks Donald. Oh, I should add that for the record, I did NOT know about their photography policy until AFTER the shot. :)

  3. Brad Avatar

    Enjoyed your story!

    I used to go to Davies a lot in the 90s, always appreciating symphonic music. But after awhile it suddenly donned on me that this wasn't a place where I belonged from looking at the people around me and the environment at Davies. So just all of a sudden stopped in the late '90s and haven't looked back. Clapton in San Jose, or Alice Coltrane (who recently passed away) in SF is more for me.

    Still wonder how the SF Symphony could do a better job on outreach to wider audiences…

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