More geeky than girly.

All I gotta say is,

All I gotta say is,


raiders logo

Believe it or not, I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid. Check out these demotivators. (Thanks for the email, Sacrod!)

I finally watched “A Walk to Remember” after all this time. I had a chance to watch it when we had an overnight for the kids at church, but I didn’t get to see it because I had to watch the chiddrens. Good thing I had a friend to talk to during the movie to distract me, or I would have surely cried! See, I do have a cheesy spot in my heart afterall. Shh…I hope no one knows.

2 responses

  1. sacrod Avatar

    your welcome beej! That's a great site!! :)

  2. will Avatar

    Go Raiders !!!! Oak-town gotta represent. :) Ganon and Brown so deserve a SuperBowl championship.

Talk to me, Goose.

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