More geeky than girly.

Are girls supposed to be this geeky?

My brother got me another stick of ram for pennies, er, just about. I’ve been complaining that my computer has been running slower and he said it’s from all the junk that I run. Hey now. Anyways, the deal master came through and here it is, next to the old RAM that’s covered with a soft layer of dust. And yes, I put it in myself. It’s not that hard, but I just don’t like working with hardware. Messes up your skin and nails. Hehe.

Hsin already gave me slack for taking pictures of my computer. What’s wrong with that? He takes pictures of engines and cars and I just take pictures of…whatever.  I wonder how many ladies are out there who work with computers, whether it be hardware or software, web stuff, internet, or design.  Seems like the percentage is quite low compared to men.

One response

  1. nut Avatar

    well, liz would be all…. "Whats that?" So, yeah, Beej the geek…

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