More geeky than girly.

Bad behavior

I’ve been getting hit by spam left and right. My wordpress installation has been unprotected…until now. This morning, I installed an anti-spam plugin called bad behavior. It analyzes the incoming requests and stops spam before they’ve even arrived. I just checked the log and found that 54 requests have been blocked, with no false positives. Let me know if something doesn’t work right, otherwise, I’d have no way of finding out.

Update (10:23pm): Number of requests denied–207…not too shabby.

2 responses

  1. sacrod Avatar

    I used to get a lot when I had moveable type. Don't get it anymore *knock on wood*

  2. beej Avatar

    I think it might take them a whle to find your site, but when it comes, the flood gates open real wide! I'm crossing my fingers for you. I didn't have any here for the longest time, but the peace is gone now. Oh wait, I just reclaimed it with that spam plugin.

Talk to me, Goose.

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