More geeky than girly.

Biking with Boba

Don’t know what boba is? Educate yourself.

6 responses

  1. Penguingolfer89 Avatar

    Haha, wow that is so AZN! I want some boba now…

  2. some girl Avatar

    Hahaha…yeah, #28, that's all I order there.

  3. Penguingolfer89 Avatar

    Nice, I had no boba this whole weekend, amazing. I had grass jelly with my drink on Saturday, tho. Now, I want some boba, hehe.

  4. Jry Avatar

    the strawberry is bad bad bad. do not buy

  5. some girl Avatar

    @jry, i'll remember that.

  6. sheldon Avatar

    boba is always better when u get 3 for free =)

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