More geeky than girly.

Around the World

  • We’re watching the Giants/Niners/A’s/Warriors/Sharks win a playoff game, because we’re the best at sports. We’re eating farm-to-table at a loft that used to be a fire station that’s now also a shared working space. We’re at some start-up thing. It’s free. Whatever. We’re doing some trendy exercise that will go out of style soon. (Lookin’…

  • Laowai Bingo

    Guess you could also call this ABC Bingo. I never did understand why people pronounce Beijing as “Bay-zhing.” From Laowai Comics.

  • Whoa, check out the Golden Gate Bridge without a road. From the Denver Post, via Gizmodo.

  • Sign Him Up!

    For Joey- I hope your love for this sport doesn’t die just because you live in America. I used to watch a lot more soccer when I spent my summers in China. Now, not so much, except for the occasional video clips I find online. This one’s the cutest one I’ve seen so far.

  • High five to Lydia for pointing me to this.

  • Aw man, I’m hoping this isn’t true.

  • Guan Tianlang, 14, is set to become the youngest player ever to play at the Masters — he tees off today at 12:24 pm Georgia time. He’s from Guangzhou, China (represent!). Actually, he’s paired with Matteo Manassero, the former “youngest golfer at the Masters” when he was 16 years old in 2010. Here’s his latest…

  • Open VLC > Media File Menu > Open Network Stream > Paste > Press Play > Wait > Watch North Korean TV

  • Fortunately for us, it doesn’t look like any of them would reach the U.S. mainland. Phew, I was getting a little nervous because I’m on the west coast. [Source]

  • Source.

  • Huang Qingjun has spent nearly a decade traveling to remote parts of China to persuade people who have sometimes never been photographed to carry outside all their household possessions and pose for him. Huang says, “In lots of Chinese villages, the government has delivered roads and connected them with electricity. This has been a huge…

  • Earlier this month, Miss China was crowned Miss World 2012. But check out Miss Philippines’ beat-boxing talent. She even includes Usher’s “Yeah” and Cali Swag’s “Teach Me How to Dougie.” Another reason why they’re the “cool” Asians. In other personal news, I’m finally putting a little weight on the ankle again. Total time on crutches…

  • I miss that place.

  • China plans to build the world’s tallest building in just 90 days. Once completed, the 220-story structure will surpass Burj Khalifa by 10 meters to become the tallest structure in the world. Here’s that same company erecting a 30-story hotel in 360 hours in December 2011.

  • Another familiar photo to remember another historical event that took place this month a few years back, but I never knew it was so wide. That’s a LOT of tanks! Check out the video footage too! It looked like he was just passing through on his way back from a grocery store or something.

  • Forty years ago this month, one of the most memorable images during the Vietnam War was taken. Kim Phuc, the 9 year old girl in the photo, was running from her village that was hit by napalm. Everyone has seen that picture, but I didn’t know video footage also exists. Warning: the footage is graphic.

  • Lorena Gaillot went to NYC from France and didn’t know what a hipster was. So she set out on a hipster quest.

  • I’ve been meaning to document this here so I can find it easily in the future. Where do you go to buy photography equipment when you’re in China? Look no further than the Beijing photography city. If I remember correctly, it’s about 2 stories filled with a hundred different stores/booths. I didn’t buy any big-ticket…

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