Around the World
A’s win division series…finally.
1 min read
First time since 1992…it's about time. Now if only the Raiders would get their act together. *Edit (Oct. 7, 2006): I saw this today on the SFist… Niner Fans–The kind of football fans who drink wine before games Raider Fans–The kind of football fans who are usually associated with the words "out on parole" Conclusion–Raiders…
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
1 min read
With all the things going on in the world, the least we can do as Christians is to pray. There’s a 30 day prayer focus for the Muslim world. You can pray for Muslims through the 30 days of Ramadan or you can sign up for the free email version. It’s day 2 already, but…
Oakland Athletics
1 min read
I missed most of the season ‘cuz I was out of the country. Where are you, $2 Wednesdays and dollar dogs? Check out some great skateboarding photography, but don’t miss his large format polaroid work.
Coffee Don Tots at KFC
1 min read
That’s right, coffee don tots at KFC in China. So what do they taste like? Exactly what the name says– coffee don tot. It’s just weird. I definitely prefer the original, but it was interesting to try.
Summer 06
1 min read
I’m back here in HK again. The heat and humidity is a bit nostalgic. I’ve been able to email at the terminals in the library, but haven’t been able to upload pictures just yet. Will try using my teammate’s laptop once we get into CN. Apparently, we’re supposed to have internet access in our hotel…
Chinese on vacation
1 min read
This was a scene at a water park in China during their May holiday. And I’m going WHERE this summer??? Good luck to me… Check out more crazy crowd pictures here.
Earl Woods passed away
1 min read
Tiger Woods’ father dies at 74.
Nay mm ho mo han ge mo han gut ah ha!
1 min read
ä½ å””å¥½å–ºåº¦å½å½å’å’啊下! Should I be learning Chinese like that?
China’s Tallest Woman
1 min read
Check out these pics. She’s 7’9″ while Yao Ming is a mere 7’5″.
2 min read
CenSEARCHip – A neat project at the Indiana School of Informatics compares Google US and CN for the same search. From the about page: When you click the "Web Search" button, each side of the display will first show you an estimate of how many English-language results the search engine has for that national version.…
The Truth About Barry Bonds
1 min read
If Barry Bonds had been the most loved man in baseball, the truth about his steroid use would be an enourmous and damaging scandal. Of course, most people don’t like him too much, so it will be a lot worse.
Free Starbucks coffee
1 min read
How I do LOVE coffee, especially when it’s FREE!
My own Operation Rice Bowl
3 min read
The World Bank defines poverty as living on less than $2 a day and extreme poverty as living on less than $1 a day. During Lent, I’ve decided
Beautiful China
1 min read
Some incredibly beautiful pictures of China. Sure, they’re post-processed, but they’re absolutely stunning.
WCC debriefing
2 min read
I went to WCC for the very first time evar. It was great to see people I haven’t seen in many many years. I was especially encouraged by the fact that they were still serving after all these years, even if they did go to the same jacked up “Christian” school that I went to…
Upcoming Travel Schedule
3 min read
Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…
Golf originated in China?
1 min read
Golf “clearly originated in China.” Add it to the list.
Someone needs to lay off the caffeine
1 min read
Apparently someone tried to blow up a Starbucks today. I hate Starbucks as much as anyone else but sheesh. More info.
Blocking of Wikipedia in mainland China
1 min read
The nanny strikes again. The free online encyclopedia Wikipedia is blocked in China
Mayor of New Orleans interview
1 min read
Listen to this interview with the Mayor of New Orleans. Pray for that area.