I’m up typing this now because I can’t sleep. I think jet lag is settling in. I haven’t even stayed at home yet, because apparently there was a gas leak so they had to turn off the gas until Tuesday. Which means I have no hot water nor can I use the dryer. So I’ve been staying at other people’s houses. It stinks not to have a home to go back to. And I don’t have my car either! Oh well.
So I arrived back in SF on Friday evening because I had to bring one of the students back home. I’ll be flying back out to Shanghai on Tuesday morning. Crazy, eh?
But that’s not all. I was able to attend Dustin and Valene’s wedding after all. Yes, I have officially crashed a wedding now. I even wrote in my name on the table place card. After the wedding tonight, we were loading up my friend’s car in Oakland’s Chinatown and we had to transfer my stuff when a fight broke out at a party near our restaurant. Everyone came rushing out toward’s my friend’s car. Half of us got in the car, while the other half had to walk to their cars. We couldntt drive off right away because people were running in the street, but we managed to get to the end of the block and as we turned the corner, we heard gunshots. Welcome back to America…sheesh.
Well, I didn’t bust out my DSLR today, but here’s one of the pictures from the wedding. Congratulations to the two of them.
Tomorrow, I’ll be going to church and to Benny and Julia’s shower. This has got to be the perfect weekend to be back. What a blessing in disguise in the midst of all this traveling.
Talk to me, Goose.