More geeky than girly.

Damn, I’m Gorgeous

Damn, I’m Gorgeous

This was a birthday card that my brother gave Mackenzie for her 3rd birthday. Shame shame. We couldn’t let her older brother read it.

6 responses

  1. Penguingolfer89 Avatar

    Damn, that's cute! =)

  2. some girl Avatar

    OOh, shame shame on you for using that language…

  3. Penguingolfer89 Avatar

    You used that word on the title…

  4. Tiffo the spicy nood Avatar

    in the beg. i couldn't believe my eyes… jennifer using profanity? but then i read the entry. . . close one. justkidding.

  5. some girl Avatar

    hahaha…tiff, i wouldnt be saying that about myself now, would I?

  6. Tiffo the spicy nood Avatar

    i don't know jen. you are very random at times. lol justkidding i think i should be sleeping at this hour…

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