More geeky than girly.

Google’s New Approach to China

Google has announced that they’ve stopped censoring their search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Users visiting are now being redirected to, that allows uncensored search in simplified Chinese. They’ve also created this new web page, which will be updated regularly each day, so that everyone can see which Google services are available in China.

5 responses

  1. Felix Avatar

    A step in the right direction :).

  2. jen Avatar

    we'll see how long their other services last… :)

  3. Tiffany Tam Avatar

    google is awesome! :)

  4. Steph Tang Avatar
    Steph Tang

    I saw this article that followed up on this idea:

    the concept is awesome and i'm glad that google is brave enough to do it

  5. Brad Avatar

    And GoDaddy is following with domain registration:

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