More geeky than girly.

Lost: a dream?

Hurley from Lost
Can someone tell me what on earth is going on? Last night’s episode was exactly what some people predicted about the show. I hate when the episode ends. The show is like a drug — it just leaves you wanting more.

3 responses

  1. Chris Avatar

    I know eh! Every time a new episode ends, I get up off the couch and tell Marnie I'm not watching Lost ever again. Yet there I am the next week.. drooling over the opening scene. Bah!

  2. will Avatar

    i heard these past few airings were good, too bad, i missed recording them. i have no idea what is happening now.

  3. beej Avatar

    Chris- hehe.

    Will- start up again! It's not too late.

Talk to me, Goose.

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