More geeky than girly.

ME! Bath Ice Cream

My back’s been hurting a lot lately. Might be from old age or from constantly hunched over working with the kids at little tables and chairs. Tonight was my last session working with the kids. The mom got dinner for us and the hospice worker (who takes care of the kid) got some Bath Ice Cream for me. A bath might be good for my back (the last time I took a bath was when my neck was hurting from when my car flipped over a few years back). So I decided to give it a try. Beej takes baths?? So ungirly! Yeah, and I bust out radio playing Christmas music too!

*Terms of use: All this personal girly information is for my few loyal readers only and should not be shared with the general population of my friends and family.

One response

  1. Nathan Avatar

    I don't keep secrets very well.

Talk to me, Goose.

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