Here’s a list of movies, TV, books, or music I’ve “consumed” recently. I’m currently reading What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets and Same Kind of Different As Me. I’ve also started re-watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, in order, beginning with Season 1, Episode 1.
John Wick 1, 2, and 3. I watched all three movies on my way to Africa this year. I really had no desire to watch these movies at first, but since I started doing jiu-jitsu, and read that Keanu Reeves trains and does all his own stunts, I figured I’d give it a try. I enjoyed it mostly because I recognized a lot of the moves. I love you, Keanu (and even more since watching Always Be My Maybe).
Can’t Hurt Me. My marathon-running housemate recommended this book because I’ve been doing jiu-jitsu. The author’s crazy, but the book is inspiring, especially if you’re training for anything physical.
Top Boy: Summerhouse (2011) and Top Boy (2019). A show that no one knows about, but every one should be watching.
Late Night. A friend said I might like this movie, so I watched it on my way back from Africa. Quite entertaining.
It (2017). Ugh, my friend made me watch this. It was not scary. Just gross.
Inside Bill’s Brain. This guy is fascinating.
Decoding da Vinci. This guy was also fascinating.
Mindhunter. It’s like Criminal Minds, before criminal minds had a team. I still want to read the book.
Advent Project 2019. I always love the readings and how they come with art, video, and music.
Little Miss Sumo. Man alive, her opponent at the end was GIGANTIC!
Terrace House: Tokyo. I don’t know what it was about this season show that kept me watching.
Educated. The content was hard to take in at first, but loved her writing.
Iron Fists and Kung-Fu Kicks. Two words: Shaw Brothers.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Tom Hanks did a great job, but all I saw was…Tom Hanks. Is that bad?
Christmas Coffeehouse. My current playlist for when I’m working.
Talk to me, Goose.