More geeky than girly.

More laundry

More laundry

Here’s a picture of the guys’ room with laundry from 4 of my teammates. The clothes didn’t dry too well that way so they all smell kinda mildewy…yuck. I’ve been doing a few articles of clothing each day, so mine are fine. I’m taking the Sabbath off so no laundry today for me. I got some new earphones today so I’m listening to a sermon. Visited BICF West today again, but I want to see what the original is like. Ok, gotta rest up for classes tomorrow. One pr’er that has been on my heart this week and that I’d like my partners to help with is “PR that the students will like us, and that we will like them.” Interest on their part has been low and that has been discouraging. They don’t want to be there. Ask that we will be able to make the class fun for them and that they would want to get to know us and that we would have opportunities to share our lives with them. Thanks.

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Talk to me, Goose.

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