My Kicks (Asia Edition)

My Kicks (Asia Edition)

This was taken while I was waiting for the students to tour the migrant children’s school. Yeah, I was bored.

Not sure if other people do this, but I keep a separate wardrobe for traveling. And I NEVER wear socks when I’m in Asia.


Matthew Ng September 24, 2009 Reply

T-shirts everywhere. It's nice being a guy.

Jessica Cheng September 24, 2009 Reply

i SAW you taking this picture! remember how i was hiding in the office room & enjoying the A/C? the teacher who i was with looked out the window & asked me, "does she want to come inside? what is she doing??" i followed her gaze & saw you sitting there, with your camera pointed at your foot. "=___= oh jen…"

Jen September 25, 2009 Reply

@matt: yeah, t-shirts are good and they dry fairly quickly after hand-washing.

@jess: SHHH! you're not supposed to give away my secrets! it was my personal time! is that why derek (from davis) calls me emo?

Abe September 27, 2009 Reply

ooo.. i ALWAYS wear socks unless i have flipflops… and i have clothing i wear for travel.. but i also wear that everyday… i don't know if that counts

Ben September 28, 2009 Reply

Do you notice your feet smelling after not wearing socks for a while?

Talk to me, Goose.

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