More geeky than girly.

Star Light, Star Bright


No time like the winter to give light painting a try.

My first time light painting, shot my friends’ kids: Toby, Brandon, and Caleb. Just because we were bored.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Mackenzie was our light switch coordinator (for before and after the shots). =)

4 responses

  1. KK Avatar

    Nice! I like the smilie face and star. :D

  2. Jen Avatar

    Thanks! That was brandon and caleb, respectively.

    Too bad I only had my 50mm so I didn't have much room for them to move around. I would have lit up the kids too if I had my flash.

  3. High School Online Avatar
    High School Online

    Wow, you guys did a fantastic job! I have never tried light painting myself but it has always been something I have thought about doing…along with candle making. I love the way you guys captured the lights on camera while in the dark!


  4. Brad Avatar

    That's pretty cool – need to give that a try sometime!

Talk to me, Goose.

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