More geeky than girly.

Starbucks to invade Paris

Starbucks plans to open stores in Paris next year. Why go to Paris? I’ve never been there, but I imagine that there are a lot of pastry/bakery cafe’s there already. What’s going to happen to all the Mom and Pop places?

I know, too often is Starbucks looked down upon as a capitalistic American corporation. But when I was teaching in Hong Kong, I wished for one around. I also wished to see any kind of Mexican restaurant. A Taco Bell would have sufficed.

4 responses

  1. will Avatar

    wow, i'm surprised that Starbucks isn't in France yet. when i was in China last year, Starbucks was everywhere!!! i personally like to support the small mom/pop stores.

  2. blotch Avatar

    Starbucks it's already in Paris.


  3. blotch Avatar

    Starbucks is already in Paris.


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