More geeky than girly.


  • China plans to build the world’s tallest building in just 90 days. Once completed, the 220-story structure will surpass Burj Khalifa by 10 meters to become the tallest structure in the world. Here’s that same company erecting a 30-story hotel in 360 hours in December 2011.

  • In addition to Tony’s list, I watched a documentary on portrait and fashion photographer Richard Avedon called Darkness and Light. Here’s a quote from the video that really resonated with how I’ve been approaching photography: What drives him is this deeper more profound genuine interest in the people that he’s seeking out, in the stories…

  • The Oracle

    Cheap fun in Dallas: Head up to the 40th floor in the Chase Tower. Called the Sky Lobby, it’s free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Thanks to Sherry for taking me around, even though she didn’t really know where to go.