More geeky than girly.


  • Web surfers in China are blocked from using Google. This is just another example of how strict and controlling the Chinese government is. I am reminded of how the people over there do not have as much freedom as we have here. The other night, I was just speaking to a friend, who went on…

  • China vs. Brazil. Not bad, I thought they were going to lose 8-0. But they only lost 4-0. Haha, ok. Enough of that. I watched a little of the England/Argentina game. Those guys are amazing! I don’t think I can run and kick a ball at the same time. Wait, who am I kidding? I…

  • Stinky Tofu Oh man, they’re not kidding when they say stinky tofu is stinky. I tried it for the …

  • Happy Earth Day For one who is not a hard core environmentalist nor a tree hugger like OJ, I was very much into nature today. I watched this nature program on sea horses called “The Pregnant Male.” Guess what it was about. At night, I watched part of the Eco-Challenge race (New Zealand). I think…

  • Olympic Figure Skating I never knew China had medal contending figure skating pairs. It was cool watching them compete. Too bad the Canadian pair didn’t win gold even though they seemed to have skated better than the Russian team. Judging is so subjective. By the way, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR’S EVE! I don’t know why…

  • Chinese New Year Advice Never go into Chinatown the weekend before Chinese New Year unless you have no other choice. I had to walk from one end to the other and back, TWICE!!! Man, people just walk right into you like nothing! And those old ladies can get to what they want, no matter who’s…

  • Did you know that in China, people get the day after the holiday off from work, not the holiday itself? That’s pretty smart, because you get to recover from the festivities. I just went to go exchange a set of snow chains. I told the lady that I had bought the chains a while back,…