More geeky than girly.


  • A short blog post about Facebook’s battle between design and numbers.

  • What is this thing on my Facebook news feed?

  • Facebook just enabled photo comments, a new feature that allows you to comment on posts with images rather than words.

  • You know how my tagline on this website is “more geeky than girly?” Yes, I’m a Star Wars geek. I’ve loved it since I was little. So in honor of Star Wars Day, I changed my Facebook cover photo. You can get your very own Timeline Cover image at the Official Star Wars Facebook Page.

  • My coworker Kurt was asking about this so I’ll post it up here: If you have Firefox and GreaseMonkey, then install this script.  Go to your Facebook Phonebook, then in your Firefox menu, go into Tools > GreaseMonkey > User Script Commands… > and you’ll see Export Facebook Phonebook. Extract the data, and then POST…

  • Log in to Facebook Type: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter. Sound familiar? I don’t remember a lot of things, but for some reason, I never have trouble remembering the Konami Code. via Geeks are Sexy.

  • Photo by Ape Lad

  • Finally found one that doesn’t shift the page around. Only works for Firefox users with Greasemonkey installed. Link.

  • Just a new hompage for facebook today when I logged out. I didn’t notice anything else that was new. So what’s the verdict? Who like the old fb and who likes the new?

  • Don’t know why anyone else would be interested in this, but I like having this documentation of my actions all across the web in one place. It’s like the newsfeed in Facebook, but it’s my very own web lifestream page. I used David Cramer’s lifestream plugin for wordpress. You can download it here. There’s also…

  • British comedy group Idiots of Ants shows what Facebook might look like in real life. High five to Laughingsquid.

  • Ok, so maybe it’s not THAT new, but it’s new to me because I haven’t played with Flock since version 0.0001 beta. Apparently, I got Joey hooked on Digsby. Not sure why he likes it so much. Now I have another thing to introduce to him. Joey, meet Flock: the social web browser. Not sure…

  • Am I the only one out of all my friends who uses Twitter? Maybe it’s because I’m the biggest internet geek I know or it’s because of my unlimited free texting that comes with my phone plan. Either way, there’s so much hype about it nowadays that I finally had to see why people like…

  • City!N (read CityIN), is a new China-based social networking site that launched earlier this month. An article at VentureBeat explains why it’s a bit different from Facebook. Users create profiles where they explain their interests such as favorite movies, cars, or celebrities. They rate items and then the site recommends other people in the same…

  • Now in public beta, Digsby offers IM, email updates, and social networking, all wrapped up in one. You can chat on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and Google Talk with one buddy list. Too bad there’s no support for Skype just yet. Digsby will also alert you of new email, and events in Facebook and Twitter. Looks…

  • birthday n. 1. The day of one’s birth. 2. The anniversary of one’s birth. Wikipedia mentions several things about birthdays. The celebration of birthdays is not universal. I remember working with family who were Jehovah’s Witnesses and they didn’t celebrate birthdays. Some adults loathe celebrating it as it reminds them that they are getting progressively…

  • Charissa: socal is burning up like crazy me: really? Charissa: yeah me: yeah, it’s been pretty hot here too Charissa: nooo Charissa: fires That’s what I get for not watching the news on Sundays. Pray for all the SoCal folks please. +- On a different note– check out Crackbook: a hilarious spoof on the popular…

  • After my summer project last year, my team coerced me into get a Facebook.  I feel so old there, but it’s been helpful in keeping me in touch with people.  Good thing I never got into myspace or Friendster.  I really don’t care about those things.  But Virb looks neat, so I gave it a…