- Weather by Dark Sky
1 min read
Been using Forecast. Just beautiful.
Obligatory bathroom self-portrait
1 min read
Obligatory bathroom self-portrait from Instagram.
In Case of Emergency
1 min read
Just put in 2 emergency numbers in my cell phone today. You should do the same, just in case.
My fave line: “that was impressive — the way you can squeeze into those TINY little shorts……..SEXY” Eat that, old man Chuck. That said, go Warriors. +- By the way, flat tires are a pain…
Internet connections
1 min read
When I got home from work today, it was non-stop chatting. I finally had the pleasure of meeting…
Google SMS
1 min read
My friend just told me about Google SMS. You text message Google to get information. It’s like the yellow pages right at your fingertips when you’re out on the road! I tried it at dinner today and sent the following message: chinese san francisco ca. I didn’t get anything back. I wonder if it really…