More geeky than girly.


  • Here are some neat things regarding Google’s email I’ve found recently. They might not be new, but I think I need to jot them down here so I won’t forget these tips. These hacks could be helpful for fighting or tracing spam. The Dot Apparently, Gmail does not recognize the dot (or capitalization either) in…

  • Good Stuff

    Thought For The Day for all 2 of my readers: “Good looks catch the eye but a good personality catches the heart. You’re blessed with both!”

  • Here’s the beginning of a spam email I received today… Hi there, You are now 36 weeks pregnant! WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH YOU? Anyone else get funky spam messages?

  • Don’t sign up for spam when you sign up for things.

  • Bad behavior

    I’ve been getting hit by spam left and right. My wordpress installation has been unprotected…un…