More geeky than girly.


  • No worries about bad language on this one–had to redeem myself after the last video.

  • My fave line: “that was impressive — the way you can squeeze into those TINY little shorts……..SEXY” Eat that, old man Chuck. That said, go Warriors. +- By the way, flat tires are a pain…

  • Update: Check out the video clip: For the first time ever, a three-way tie occurred on Jeopardy.

  • For all the cubicle workers out there. This is probably one of my favorite e-cards that I’ve gotten so far. I can be very sarcastic, especially when I’m upset, mad, or frustrated. But over the years I’ve improved, trying to show the grace that I’ve received. Thanks, grrl.

  • For all my peeps… Hat tip to Sacrod.

  • Anyone buy anything on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?  My family watched a lot of football over Thanksgiving.  Out of all the sports, I think football is the only one I don't mind watching, no matter what team is playing.  Then I came across the weirdest high school football game. Too bad we didn't have…

  • Watch the ad.

  • I miss practicing. Because it’s getting dark pretty early and I can’t play tennis after work, maybe I should start training again.

  • These guys have a special place in my heart–first class I’ve had for all 4 years of high school. I love bittersweet chocolate. I hate bittersweet times.

  • So I’m leaving at the end of June and won’t be back until the first week of August. My cube-mate and I share a calendar for our schedules. I’ll be gone for the entire month of July. Look what he put up: +- Check out this guy’s demonstration of the evolution of dance. Good times.

  • Why detonate underground when you can do it above ground? I want to see mutants, dangit!  Here’s another underground detonation video at google . That reminds me, I need to get an emergency kit together. I wonder how many of my friends and loved ones are prepared. I was talking to Jerry today and I…

  • I laughed out loud for this one. girlfriendfromhell.wmv