In my field, clients come and go for many different reasons. When it’s time to leave, it’s usually not a big deal for the kids because they’re not aware of what’s going on. The kids say bye and the parents say bye and I’m off to the next client.
Anyways, today was my last day working with one of my kids because he’s going to another agency. He just turned 3. We were the first ones to ever work with him since last fall, and I was the only therapist left from his original team so I’ve worked with him the longest. Since then, he’s made significant improvements in his cognitive abilities and controlling his bad behaviors. He’s actually very bright and is super cute (as are most of my kids). After my session with that client today, I found a card stuck in my car door. It was a letter from the mom who wrote:
Dear Jennifer,
I just want to tell you thank you for everything you have done for Sean.
I am so sad that you are not going to be part of Sean’s team anymore. Sean loves you and you have helped him tremendously.
When I reflect on Sean’s development over the last 6 months, it’s really amazing his improvement. Last fall was a real low point for us. I have nothing but hope now for his future and you have played a big part in that. I can’t thank you enough for helping Sean and helping me personally understand how to be a better mom to someone with special needs.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten anything like this since I started working and it’s really encouraging to know that I do make a difference, even though I get paid jack.
By the way, happy Cinqo de Mayo and National Day of Prayer.
Fun fact: if you write out today’s date in short form, it’s 05/05/05 — my mind wanders too much.
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