It’s still snowing in Tahoe! I was up there a week and a half ago sliding and it was great. Looks like there will be more snow throughout the week. So make the best of all of this precipitation. Get out of the city and go skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or dog sledding!
On a more serious note, I am reminded during this Holy Week of how Jesus loved (and still loves) me so much that he KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY endured all that pain and suffering that I may live.
The death of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment in history of the very mind and intent of God. There is no place for seeing Jesus Christ as a martyr. His death was not something that happened to Him— something that might have been prevented. His death was the very reason He came. ~Oswald Chambers
He knew everything that was going to happen to him, yet he still came. You are amazing God.
Talk to me, Goose.