Congratulations to Christine and Denny. That was a HUUUGE wedding with 550 people. We had a few hours to spend between the ceremony and the banquet, so guess where we went? We headed off to get more Star Wars toys from Burger King. I’m so jealous because both Chris and Jerry got Vader today. If anyone has an extra one, be a friend and send it my way. Next on my scavenger list: Saberspoons from Kellogg’s. I just went to the market and they didn’t have it. So I have a couple stops to make tomorrow before Mackenzie’s 1st birthday party.
Wedding and geek hunting
7 responses
Ahh!! Vader!!! Saberspoons, gosh I have to stop by grocery stores or even Longs, and BK this week after all my finals!!!
I went grocery shopping today … and I couldn't find the star wars spoon either … and I was too embarassed to ask the stockboy if they had any in the back.
Maybe we're ahead of the game and they haven't come out yet. Keep checking. First one who finds them has to buy one for everyone else!
Aights! I'm going to Longs right after I write this and BK! Haha. I'm about to give up on Vader! Ahhh! But I can't because I want him soooo much!
Yes, geek hunting I went! I stopped by Longs in Moraga but I none, I need to stop by the one in Lafayette and Safeways and Albertson's tomorrow after my finals!
I got 2 Vaders also!! 1 for you and one for me!
Got saberspoons!
Woohoo, I got a Vader coming my way!
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