More geeky than girly.


  • Too bad I didn’t have a wide angle with me that day. And too bad I don’t have a tripod. Oh well. Saints Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco, located ironically at 666 Filbert Street.

  • Since I sold my XT at the end of last year, I was forced to get some bigger memory cards. My brother joked that his phone had more memory than my camera. Sad, I know. And I started shooting in RAW this year, so hard drive space has become an issue. I’ve moved most of…

  • Yay, another one from Norwegian Recycling called Viva La Viral.

  • I love this piece–not the image that I took, but the artwork that was pasted on this fence. No, I didn’t do any of that fancy selective coloring stuff to it. This image was left in full color. I love how the gloves (and mask) look almost 3D, but the image is entirely two dimensional.…

  • Free Chips & Queso Coupon @ Chili’s. I don’t even like Chili’s, but this is for Kurt, who introduced me to their queso.

  • It’s a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups [or small businesses]. When you’re really small and you’re just starting out, you don’t have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn’t really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in…

  • Fabric

    For anyone who knows me, shopping at fabric stores is NOT my thing. But I’m pretty easy-going so my crafty friend dragged me along to buy stuff for her latest project. First stop, Discount Fabrics on Irving. Surprising, but I actually found some black cloth from that leftover scrap bin (I think there’s a fancy…

  • Dennis Stock, Photographer of Intimate Portraits, Dies at 81.

  • Racist Camera! No, I did not blink… I’m just Asian!

  • Youtube video from mobius32 explains, “This fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video narrates the history of the ‘Amen Break,’ a six-second drum sample from the b-side of a chart-topping single from 1969. This sample was used extensively in early hip hop and sample-based music, and became the basis for drum-and-bass and jungle music — a six-second clip…

  • Parcel 104

    A birthday dinner, 2009, at Parcel 104. On Yelp, they suggest the following attire: dressy. My friends went in their sweatpants and scrubs, and I in my “casual friday” wear.

  • From Ian’s Messy Desk: Define the task and identify the outcome, not the process. The process that works for you may not work for others. Maybe you’ve been doing a job one way, because that’s how you were taught 20 years ago. When delegating, describe the successful outcome and let the person to find their…

  • Taken along Columbus.

  • Look, my photo was used at Curbed SF. Cool!

  • I’ve been to St. Louis twice now, and every time, it just feels so quiet to me. Ok, besides the 16,000+ college students who were at the conference with me or the occasional crowd coming out of a Blues game, there just wasn’t much going on downtown. Here’s a picture taken right before New Year’s…

  • As seen in Union Square, San Francisco.

  • No time like the winter to give light painting a try. My first time light painting, shot my friends’ kids: Toby, Brandon, and Caleb. Just because we were bored. Edit: Forgot to mention that Mackenzie was our light switch coordinator (for before and after the shots). =)


    The great glory and strength of pluralism is that it compels the holder of any belief to measure its truthfulness against alternative interpretations. The great hazard of pluralism is the faulty deduction, in the name of tolerance, that all beliefs can be equally true. ~Deliver Us From Evil, Ravi Zacharias Taken during a photowalk with…

  • When G. K. Chesterton was arguing against a rationalist who denied miracles on the ground that experience is against it, he cited this: There was a great Irish Rationalist of this school who, when he was told that a witness had seen him commit a murder, said he could bring a hundred witnesses who had…

  • Glad to be back from St. Louis. Happy New Year everyone! Say the year “1810” out loud. Now say the year “1999” out loud. See a pattern? It’s been easier, faster, and shorter to say years this way for every decade (except for the one that just ended) instead of saying the number the long…