More geeky than girly.

A Google Birthday Surprise

I’ve been offline quite a bit these days, but I happened to jump on today. I didn’t realize Google does a personalized doodle for you on your birthday. Scared me for a second at first. It even said “Happy birthday, Jen” when my mouse hovered over it!

From the Google blog:

Because doodles are such a fun part of the search experience, we thought we’d share a fun little way Google will help celebrate your birthday. When you include your date of birth on your Google profile, you may notice a special treat on the Google homepage on your birthday (be sure to sign in). Click on the doodle for another birthday surprise!

Here are some quotes I like about getting old:

  • Growing old- better than the alternative: dying young.
  • Growing old is not for sissies.

Anyways, this birthday didn’t suck too badly. Nothing bad happened (yet!) as something usually does on or around my birthday.

6 responses

  1. Darryl Lee on Facebook Avatar

    Cool — happy birthday Beej!

  2. Stephen Wong on Facebook Avatar

    Did you do anything for your birthday?

  3. Jen Avatar

    Thanks, D.
    Stephen, not really. Just had Christmas dinner with the fam.

  4. rona Avatar

    like those quotes! hope you had a very happy bday, beej!

    1. Jen Avatar

      thanks ronabow! btw, I’ll be in your area next week, no car though…so if you have time… :)

  5. rona Avatar

    from when to when are you down here?! would love to see you—but we’re actually heading up to santa clara for a wedding! i’ve also been miserably sick so i’m trying to get well so that we can still make the trip. :) let me know if you plan to hang out in the sgv/mpk area. even if it’s just to see ya for a couple hrs and give ya a hug, i would love to!! :)

Talk to me, Goose.

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