More geeky than girly.

A Real Job

I will miss watching the sunset over the ocean after work. Red cloud at sunset

I’m still transitioning out of my current job since I have to stay on board to train new therapists for my cases. My last official day is next Thursday, but I’ll be starting the new job on Monday. So guess what? Next week will be a lot of work and commuting trying to juggle both jobs for a few days. Pray for energy.

I’m excited. Actually, I think my parents are even more thrilled to hear that I have a regular 8 hour a day job behind a desk. Guess they didn’t see 1 on 1 therapy as a “real” job. I realized that I’ve never had an 8 hour a day job before. I’ve never had my own desk or my own cubicle for that matter. It’s kinda weird to think of it in those terms. My friend (and now coworker) MaryAnn, told me to bring all my decorations. Funny.

4 responses

  1. Chris Avatar

    Cubicle? You get a cubicle? I want a cubicle! Although… I shouldn't complain… I do have a semi-resident workspace (it's my desk when I'm in… otherwise it's free game).

  2. Hsin Feng Avatar

    :) Congrats beej… I look forward to hearing about your adventures in your new job. There….. I posted….

  3. will Avatar

    congrats on the new job !!! where is it now ?

  4. Jerry Avatar

    Shopping List:

    Some plants…. when you're too lazy to dump out that week-old coffee into the far-far-away sink, feed it to the plant.

    Curtain and rod… to block the entrance and give yourself some privacy to update your blog during company time.

    A rearview mirror…. to mount on your monitor, in case someone decides to pop in without notice.

Talk to me, Goose.

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