More geeky than girly.

Another layout

Ok, I had to change my layout once again. Well, I guess I could have kept that reddish looking one, but Sacrod brought to my attention that the separator in that theme is a sacred symbol in Hinduism. What negligence on my part as a Christian blogger. Sacrod suggested that I use another symbol in place of the original, but I don’t really want to have anything to do with the entire theme any longer. It’s too bad, because I liked how it looked. Anyhoo, I’ll be using this layout for now until I have time to make something of my own.

By the way, Sacrod said she knew about this image because she taught a world religion class in the past. Ok, I don’t feel so dumb.

11 responses

  1. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    I think the layout looks cool.

  2. sacrod Avatar

    hehe. And all this time I thought you were working towards the realization that your atman was one with your Brahman…

  3. beej Avatar

    Penguingolfer, thanks. I'm still playing around with it.

    Sacrod, lol. Hehe…yeah, I'm a closet Chinese Hindi.

  4. beej Avatar

    Yay, Sacrod got a gravatar.

  5. Hsin Feng Avatar
    Hsin Feng

    You are a total geeky nerd!!! You better not delete this.

  6. beej Avatar

    Hey man, I resemble that comment!

  7. zhart124 Avatar

    haha half of ur comments r from u

  8. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    um zhart she means that those words resemble her "nerdy and geeky" meaning she is nerdy and geeky

  9. zhart124 Avatar

    i like ur old one better

    btw the last comment wasn't from me, someone's using my name

  10. zhart124 Avatar

    o wait nvm that comment was from me but it was for another post, how did it get here?

  11. beej Avatar

    You put it there. Check the date.

Talk to me, Goose.

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