More geeky than girly.


  • Game over

    Finally, we get to see a new Jeopardy champion. Time for you to take your cocky butt home, Ken.

  • I had to use up my 99 cent rental coupons before the end of this month. Just finished The Station Agent tonight. Excellent movie. One scene where the lady runs the guy off the road made me laugh until I almost teared up. Thanks to CC for always giving me great recommendations on books and…

  • Scrabble gets inducted in the National Toy Hall of Fame. Awesome. I need to find my old bag of scrabble tiles so I can play speed scrabble again. Side note: I thought I got lucky by evading jury duty for 2 days. Not so. I have to go in tomorrow morning.

  • Cultured

    Carmen Methinks this might be the start of a new addiction on a whole ‘nother socioeconomic level. More to come when I have time.

  • You can go bid on Barry Bonds’ 700th home run ball. The bidding started at $1. I wanted to place a bid and jack up the prices for all those people who have nothing else to spend their money on. The item will be up for 10 days. The auction started at 12 noon today…

  • Wired

    Espresso from Italy Benny and Julia told me about this espresso coffee they got from somone who went to Italy. They said it was supposed to be really good. So when Anthony went to Italy, I asked him to get me some. He gave me 4 bricks! Mmm…I must say that it’s pretty good. I’d…

  • Anything’s better than this.

  • I don’t usually watch shows on UPN, but this one caught my eye. ;)

  • After work, I went to get some duck and chicken at this super popular take out place. It’s so popular that I had to wait for half an hour in a line that ran out the door. It was not a happy camper because I was tired, hungry, and cold…AND there was this European couple…

  • So we were standing in front of church today debating what we wanted for breakfast, and we saw a billboard on a bus for the Twelve Girls Band. They just came out with their debut cd. Twenty bucks for both the cd AND dvd?!?! Ah, the temptation. I’ve listened to some of their songs and…

  • Banana Guard. How awesome is that? I should have come up with that idea.

  • Just got back from watching the movie. What do I think about it? Well, I have many random thoughts about it. Definitely don’t watch it if you’re squeamish about blood. The movie was very intense. When the movie was over, everyone in the theater was all quiet. No one got up until after the credits…

  • I think I went to high school with this guy on the bachelorette. I didn’t know him. I just remembered that he was a good football player.

  • Now I want to upgrade my speaker system…sigh…

  • I almost cried in X2 when Jean Grey died. If you haven’t seen Antwone Fisher, go rent it. Confidence was really good too, but you have to pay attention to the dialogue.

  • Great rentals: The Italian Job, Suicide Kings, and The Life of David Gale. They’re even better when you have a coupon. Hehe…yes, cheap Chinese, that’s me.

  • I found nemo!

    Thanks Chris!

  • My friend was up here visiting a couple weekends ago and commented that I had a lot of nightlights. I asked “What’s wrong with nightlights?” She said “Nothing, you just have a lot of them.” Then later that night, she made another comment about how she liked all the nightlights. I personally LOVE them because…