More geeky than girly.


  • Burger King’s enormous omelet with 730 calories…wowee.

  • Trillian IM flaw exposed

  • I’m babysitting Nicholas for the first time. Mom is super tired from the “newborn schedule” so I told her to take a nap since he’s sleeping out here with me. So he’s on the couch and I’m watching the view. Good thing, cuz I’m getting some much needed downtime after a whole non-stop week. We’ll…

  • It’s 5:30. I gotta stop waking up this early. Off to Tahoe to use my free lift ticket.

  • PostSecret


  • 4:05am: I just took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth — and I don’t remember half of it.

  • Winter travel tidbit–packing for Vegas is much different than packing for New York or Tahoe. I love not having to pack towels, sleeping bags, or pillows. Man, I have to be up in about 3 hours. I’ll be off to Vegas for a few days. I’ll be back here for work next week, then I’m…

  • Our Lord compares His people to sheep, not to cattle. It is especially important that Christian leaders know the law of the leader–that he can lead others only as far as he himself has gone…. The leader must experience what he would teach or he will find himself in the impossible position of trying to…

  • I still need to finish this book: The Narrow Road

  • Last updated: December, 2022 Everyone else has done it, so here it goes “100 things about me”: I’m known as simply some girl online, and BJ at Starbucks or Jamba Juice. My real nickname is Beej (short for BJ, from Baby Jen) My REAL real name is Jennifer I’ve always wanted a nickname when I…

  • I should really get some sleep.

  • SAT’s

    God, I pray that you will be with the juniors who will be taking the new SAT’s tomorrow. Calm their hearts during those long 4 hours. Give them energy to stay awake, clarity of mind to remember the things they have learned, and wisdom to make good educated guesses when they are unsure of the…

  • More code

    Let’s see if this works… Update: Yay.

  • I hate spring

    My allergies are killing me.

  • I just started a new category called a prayer log. Why now? Well, it started on Sunday when I was sharing about how I couldn’t stand some of the people (ok, only 1 person–one of my supervisors) that I work with. I had asked my group to pray for patience for me. On Monday, I…

  • Go speedracer

    This is Hsin racing in his brother’s old car.

  • Gmail invites Ok, I’ve got 50 invites. Anyone want an account? Leave a comment. Check it out, you can even make your own graphic Gmail signature. Gmail drive Gmail drive is an extension for Windows Explorer that makes your Gmail account show up as a drive in My Computer. Now you can upload/download to and…

  • According to Oj, this is so far the cutest picture they have of him. I need to meet him.

  • Nicholas Kenzo

    Nicholas Kenzo So cute and tiny!

  • I just watched this guy on The Tonight Show play one of the most difficult piano pieces ever written. He was absolutely amazing. A bit showy, but I guess it’s ok. It’s not often you get to see a classical musician appear on the show.