More geeky than girly.

Dear City of San Francisco…

I know you’re short on money, but WRONGFULLY towing cars??? Give me a break.
The reason that you towed my car? Parking in the same spot for over 72 hours.

Consider this an outline of my protest letter.

(Some background: I returned from a work-related trip in Boston on Monday, February 9. I had left my car on the street perpendicular to my own street because there’s a 2 hour parking limit on the street where I live.)

Tuesday: Found a printed notice, given at 9:20am, on my car saying I need to move my car at least .1 miles or it will be fined $75 and towed on Friday, February 13. No, not $75. The printed $75 amounted was crossed out by hand and “$85” was written in ink. Quarter hash marks on both street-side tires. Then I drove to lunch at San Tung.

Wednesday: Went to work, which is out in Hayward. This was the only day I was in the office this week. Commute time? Almost an hour one way.

Thursday: Parked my car up the street from where I received the original tow notice and tire markings. Got a rental car and drove out to UC Merced for a talk that evening.

Friday: Drove back from Merced and returned the rental car a little before 4pm. Went to get my car around 5pm to drive a friend home. Yes, I actually said it. “Dude, where’s my car?” Apparently, tow was called in at 12:01pm.

CVC 22651(k): Any vehicles seen or reported as parked motionless or left abandoned on any public street may be marked by officers as possibly abandoned. Owners then have 72 hours ( 3 days ) from the time marked to remove the vehicle before it is towed away.

CVC 22660: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a city, county, or city and county may adopt an ordinance establishing procedures for the abatement and removal, as public nuisances, of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicles or parts thereof from private or public property, and for the recovery, pursuant to Section 25845 or 38773.5 of the Government Code, or assumption by the local authority, of costs of administration and the removal.

I know there are too many people in San Francisco and not enough parking. But there’s usually plenty of parking in my neighborhood. I understand we need these laws to keep abandoned or inoperative/junked cars off the street, but really?

Total Wallet Damage?
Ticket: $85
Tow: $330.75

You gave me a ticket and towed my car ‘cuz you think I didn’t move my car more than .1 miles in a 72 hour period?? Ima sue somebody.

2 responses

  1. nat lowe Avatar
    nat lowe

    sue em.

  2. joey Avatar

    dude i got a parking ticket like that too, i moved my car but they thought i didn't

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