More geeky than girly.

Ok, gonna give the first

Ok, gonna give the first tagboard I used another try. I like it because it shows the newest post on top, but it has those lame ads. They said they were doing away with the ads in the next couple days so we’ll see what happens. If not, going back the other one.

Congratulations to Jaime and Lydia for finishing these 4 years! Class of 2002…whoa, I feel so old. I’m gonna be class of 2004…hopefully, that is.

This must be one of the funniest sites I’ve seen in a while.

My friend keeps sending me these articles of weird things that happen, his favorite articles are from here. Sometimes these stories seem as believable as the stories from the onion. Another collection of weird news stories seems pretty popular. I guess if you read it on the internet, it must be true.

But if you’re not into reading, you can go feed some fish or practice your zippo tricks. My friend has always wanted once since we were little. Nah, he doesn’t need it.

I just got a really neat handmade graduation announcement from Craig, who is finally graduating (but not really) after, what, 6, 7 years of college? It’s about time! His announcement was sooo artsy-fartsy. Well, I guess it would be appropriate because he is an art studio major afterall. But if you have an event coming up and you’re not creative enough to make your own invitations, try sending a message in a bottle.

Talk to me, Goose.

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